PVA glue
A magazine (I used boots - health & beauty magazine)
A canvas or a piece of card.
1.Rip up your magazine into small bits. I personally rip them up because it makes a better effect, you can cut the bits up if you want, but i'm sure it would still look fantastic:)
2. Put the bits on the top right corner of the canvas/card and squeeze some glue onto a bit plastic (or something) and put that at the bottom left corner.
3. Start the collage by dipping the glue spatula in the glue and taking a piece of the magazine bit. Put it on the card and smooth over the top with glue, locking it into the card with a glossy film like this...
4. Carry on like this, until the whole of the page is filled. Leave to dry and then put on last layer of glue on top of the collage to lock it in and make sure nothing falls off! Here is a picture of my finished one on a canvas...
While your doing this, listen to music and watch TV It will help a lot as it may start to get a bit bored after a while so if you do something at the same time you'll surprise yourself at how much you can actually do! Remember to have fun and even if you start to get bored, carry on because the end product will be amazing! Good luck! Annia-x-